Press and Articles

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Press | Articles Press Resendiz Brothers and its flowers have been highlighted in many publications. Take a look! For a press kit please contact us and set the subject to " Press Kit " Tip: as you hover over the … Continued


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The Bruniaceae family is one of shrubby evergreen plants, comprising 12 genera – Audouinia, Berzelia, Brunia, Linconia, Lonchostoma, Mniothamnea, Nebelia, Pseudobaeckea, Raspalia and Staavia – all native to southern Africa, many resembling heather in habit. These almost alien-like shrubs are … Continued


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In early 1977, Ismael (“Mel”) Resendiz and his brothers Porfirio, Raul and Ramon immigrated to California and began their careers in the floral industry. Since much of their background had been in farming in various parts of Mexico , it … Continued

Kangaroo Paws

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There are few flowers that offer as much vivid color, distinctive form and unusual texture as kangaroo paws.  Anigozanthos (pronounced an-ih-go-zan-thos) or more commonly known as “K-Paws” produce clusters of wooly tubular blossoms that do indeed resemble kangaroo toes. The … Continued

Growing Protea

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PlantingThe key is location, location, location.Save For growing, Proteas must have a full sun location with good air movement around the plants. The single most critical factor in growing Proteas is to provide adequate water drainage; if the soil drains … Continued

Protea Care and Handling Information

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All Protea share a common characteristic, excellent care keeping qualities.  Here are some ways to help them last even longer :Unpack the flowers immediately.Cut up to 1/2 inch off the stems and remove leaves that will end up in the … Continued